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Welcome to the home page of the Brooke Pioneer Trail Association. We are located in Brooke County, West Virginia
Since June 1997, (200th birthday of West Virginia's 11th oldest county) Brooke residents interested in Trail activities have organized, elected officers, got incorpated, and are now 501(c)(3). Meetings are held third Tuesday each month (except Dec.) at 6:30p.m. Some thirty miles of Trail potential has been determined in the County. Bike, walk, run and jogging dawn to dusk will be available on paved surface soon. |
Have you, or some of your family, been on the Trail in Wheeling? That's a sample of Brooke Pioneer Trail's goal. This Trail will be more unusual, as it will have residential areas (Short Creek, Beech Bottom, Wellsburg, Follansbee, Colliers, Bethany) but also more rural areas. The beauty of it is - although we have a lot of "country", as you and I with spouses,children and visitors use the Trail, we'll still not be far from people. IT IS OLD - AND NEW But then comes unexpected history galore! We already knew of sites of old forts and Indian mounds ,but more?THIS TRAIL IS A TRIP THROUGH TIME, TRANSPORTATION, HISTORY AND LIFE! The railroad bridges at Buffalo Creek, Harrison Run, Short Creek and Cross Creek were constructed for Panhandle Railroad Company's first Steubenville to Wheeling run, February 24,1878. The cut sandstone walls between markers 4 and 6 were put in place for the Panhandle Traction Co.(street cars) around 1901. |
Trail is open dawn to dusk. Obey the helmet law. Pedestrians have right of way. Keep to the right to pass same-way traffic. Ride single file. Speak, sound horn, or bell before passing. Go off trail surface for visits, refreshments, breakdowns. Stop at all road/street crossings. No littering or graffiti. Soliciting or panhandling prohibited. Alcoholic beverages prohibited. Pets must be leashed, controlled and their waste cleaned up. Respect private property. Abuse of equipment or facilities will cause removal.
Witness a special act of courtesy and/or assistance on the Trail? Let us know when,where,what, plus(if possible) who.
You saw littering, a dangerous situation, an animal acting strangr, or a motorized vehicle on the Trail you wish to report?
EMERGENCY: 911 SHERIFF: 304-737-3660 or cellular *22
Brooke Pioneer Trail provides expected values of health benefits and recreation. Those will expand when the base trail extends to Bethany College, plus Brooke High School! At every age its for you! A paved ten foot wide nearly level surface. It invites the with a baby in a stroller. The Trail is for all from the novice to the experienced.
Join the Brooke Pioneer Trail. Have fun and help beautify Brooke county.Membership for individuals is ten dollars per year. For families is eighteen dollars per year including children to 18. Make checks payable to Brooke Pioneer Trail Assn. P.O.Box 401, Wellsburg, Wv 26070. Or call 304-737-0506. Thank you. |

Rabbits,raccoons,deer and fox are along the Trail, besides other creatures of the wild. Birds of various types are seen and heard. A tremendous variety of trees and plants natural to this climate inhabit the area. At times, some have been seen that are not usual for here. Besides plants, animals and birds, some spots are clear views of river,spectacular sunsets and delightful sightings of the Delta, Mississippi and American Queen riverboats.
lenny@stratuswave.net |